This live episode of Dreaming of Donuts in Merryville USA brings together a vibrant cast of neighbors, friends and family in Mayor Mallory, the Matchmaker’s kitchen for some dreaming of donuts. Watch while this cast of characters makes donuts, donut holes and decorates their donuts to suit their personalities…ah – what will the matchmaker make? […]
Doggie Donuts in Merryville
What kind of doggie donuts do pooches like? When Mama Caruso Cooks was invited into the kitchen of Matchmaker Mallory of Merryville USA to make donuts with Mallory’s friends and family – there was one special friend we didn’t have any special treats for – the pups who hang out with Paloma at the Pouf […]
Bacon Donuts in Merryville USA
These baked bacon donuts are light and tasty and sweet and savory all at once. Enjoy them straight out of the oven or let them cool and drizzle with maple frosting and crispy bits of bacon. Whenever you decide to eat them, they won’t last long! I made these for the first time a few […]
Mama Caruso Cooks in Merryville USA
Join us as we celebrate National Donut Month in Merryville USA with a special LIVE episode of Hacks and Tips with Mama Caruso Cooks and Mayor Mallory. Here’s a clip of what’s in store when Mama Caruso Cooks in Merryville USA To join LIVE on June 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm MST go to Mama Caruso […]