This live episode of Dreaming of Donuts in Merryville USA brings together a vibrant cast of neighbors, friends and family in Mayor Mallory, the Matchmaker’s kitchen for some dreaming of donuts. Watch while this cast of characters makes donuts, donut holes and decorates their donuts to suit their personalities…ah – what will the matchmaker make? […]
Facebook Live
All Things Zucchini
What fruit starts with Z? The zucchini! Zucchini is in season and coming fast. I love to use zucchini fresh out of the garden and experiment with recipes. In this episode of Hacks and Tips Mama Caruso shares some fun ideas about working with zucchini – what’s your favorite way to use this flexible fruit? Sweet […]
Mama Caruso Cooks in Merryville USA
Join us as we celebrate National Donut Month in Merryville USA with a special LIVE episode of Hacks and Tips with Mama Caruso Cooks and Mayor Mallory. Here’s a clip of what’s in store when Mama Caruso Cooks in Merryville USA To join LIVE on June 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm MST go to Mama Caruso […]
Lavender Blackberry Ice Cubes
Lavender blackberry ice cubes will brighten any summer drink. Fresh lavender and blackberries make this recipe smoothie worthy. Use an ice mold and the rich berry color will add a new dimension to your punch bowl. With fresh lavender from The Fresh Herb Company in Boulder County, Colorado Mama Caruso and Chet Anderson talked about […]
Lavender Lemon Goat Cheese
When the lavender is fresh it will send any dish out of this world and this lavender lemon goat cheese is no exception. With fresh lavender from The Fresh Herb Company in Boulder County, Colorado Mama Caruso and Chet Anderson whipped up this recipe right on the farm with the field of lavender in the […]
What’s In Your Picnic Pantry?
Whether you are planning a day picnic or an extended outing, the staples you pack in your picnic pantry will give you the most food flexibility. This checklist from Mama Caruso Cooks includes some basic pantry supplies for your picnicking enjoyment: Basic Picnic Pantry Collapsible table Table cloth 2 cutting boards 2 knives 2 plastic […]
Facebook LIVE: Measure Much?
Mama Caruso is cooking live! Cooking Tips and Hacks: Measure Much? What is a pinch of salt? Or a sprinkle of sugar? The great thing about cooking is that both of these ingredients, salt and sugar, can be adjusted to match the palate of those eating. Finding just the right amount takes practice and should […]