Leftover Mashed Potatoes

Leftover Mashed Potatoes

I usually only have leftover mashed potatoes when doubling this recipe, using 10 pounds of potatoes. So I usually intentionally make extra mashed potatoes to re-purpose them and easily create a new and fun dish. Here are some ideas for leftovers:

  • Invite friends over to enjoy a second meal.
  • Reheat and serve with the other leftovers or something new – I love to re-purpose food.
  • Add a little flour, a few eggs and a tiny bit of chopped onion and make into potato pancakes, fry in a skillet and serve with lingonberry jelly – yum.
  • Create some texture to the potato pancakes and grate two raw potatoes, squeeze out the moisture and add to the flour, egg, and onion mixture – pour all ingredients into the mashed potatoes and fry in a skillet.
  • These mashed potatoes freeze very well too, I like to place them into single serving size containers and freeze

Garlic Mashed Potatoes

To turn these rich mashed potatoes into garlic mashed potatoes, use 5 to 6 cloves of olive oil roasted garlic.

  • Smash the soft roasted garlic into 2 tablespoons of butter until blended, you could use a blender or food processor (the idea is to mix the butter and garlic well enough for the garlic to be evenly disbursed in the potatoes when you stir the mixture in.
  • Once the butter and garlic is evenly mixed, stir into the completed potatoes
  • Heat the potatoes and garlic butter mixture until ready to eat.

To add a little more garlic to taste, mix one stick of butter with 5 cloves of roasted garlic until smooth and serve on the side for your guests to add themselves.

The Mama Caruso Cooking Community loves to hear from you – what ways have you re-purposed mashed potatoes? How did you serve them, and with what other dishes?

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2 comments on “Leftover Mashed Potatoes

  1. Why I like to make Patties out of them and put them in the pan next to my eggs in the morning. The whole family loves it, It’s like a breakfast treat!

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