Who Is Mama Caruso?

Mama Caruso

Who is Mama Caruso? When not cooking, in the grocery store or kitchen – you will find Mama Caruso riding her bike or hiking in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. When the apron comes off – Kathy Stutzman appears. Kathy is a connector, trainer and facilitator. Professionally, she gets pretty jazzed when coaching professionals, facilitating collaboratives, creating community and building capacity.

A Connector

When facilitating a professional training online several years ago she became fascinated at the ease with which the participants were able to make meaningful connections and became determined to take that into the kitchen.

“Cooking gives me a chance to express myself creatively” Mama Caruso

An Italian Grandmother

As a young child, Kathy had the responsibility of cooking for her family and she took up the challenge learning every step of the way. Now as a grandmother, she is passionate about sharing her cooking experiences and learning from all of you.

Creating Connections Around the World

A world traveler, Kathy Stutzman turns into Mama Caruso whenever anyone she meets along the way who will allow her into their kitchen. Born into an Italian family as Kathy Caruso, she is most at home when her feet touch the ground in Italy, but absent that, she can make herself at home anywhere people are cooking.

Creating connections around food nurtures and feeds some of the most basic human needs.

Who is Mama Caruso in the Cooking World?

I am not a classically trained Chef, I am an everyday home cook just like you who has a passion for food and cooking – and I can’t wait to cook with you. Whether you are a party of one, or have your friends or family in the kitchen, come, let’s cook together and I’ll be your cooking coach – cheering you on. Just like having your Italian Grandmother in the kitchen by your side.

Join the Mama Caruso Cooking Club

Join the Mama Caruso Cooking Club today and let’s take the intimidation out of your kitchen and make everyday cooking fun together.